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International Permanent Digital Fair of Metalworking

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Inventory surpluses in metalworking shops: from problem to business opportunity

Warehouse leftovers

In the world of engineering workshops, one of the problems to face is represented by warehouse inventories. However, what might seem like an obstacle can actually turn into one Big chance: warehouse leftovers, such as various objects, gears, small parts in general, bearings, clamps and even tools, could instead be precious for other companies. In this article we will explore the various possibility with which it is possible exploit these materials "still in stock".

The hidden value of leftovers for metalworking shops

Many metal shops accumulate a significant amount of materials over time which, for various reasons, are no longer used in regular production. These leftovers of stock, if left to gather dust on the shelves, represent only a cost for the company. However, if we analyze the problem creatively, we can find unexpected business potential.

Here are some simple ideas to put into practice immediately to get rid of these leftovers and profit from them.

  1. Create online ads to resell the parts: there are many other companies, operating in the same sector or in related sectors, which may need precisely those materials and which could thus avoid having to purchase new materials at a higher cost. Create online buy/sell ads can make your purchase easier of such surplus stock, thus offering a advantageous solution for all parties involved. There are many bring them generic buying and selling, such as Subito.it, but also professional and sectoral ones specialized right in buying and selling machinery or raw materials. Do a search and start posting!
  2. Word of mouth among industry insiders: appoint one of your sales representatives who, between one call and another, spreads the news that the workshop has a series of spare, useless, surplus materials or components and is looking for buyers. The interested companies they really could be ā€œclose to youā€, just a few phone calls away. It's worth a try.
  3. Updating your digital channels: insert a communication about it on your website and on your social channels. If you have a customer mailing list and you already send commercial newsletters, you could create and send one spreading this news around your network. In case you also participate in others digital initiatives, like a Digital Fair of the sector, it could be useful to update your stand with a new section that talks about this service or news! The digital fairs indeed they offer a unique opportunity for connect with other companies, expand his own network of contacts and find out potential buyers or business partners interested in leftover stock!

Therefore, by taking full advantage of these opportunities, workshops can transform their warehouse leftovers in sources of income and create beneficial business relationship in the metal industry.

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