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International Permanent Digital Fair of Metalworking

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Marco Militello

Administrator and Creative Director

Marco is the oldest outside, and the most child inside. He loves to create and has turned out to be an entrepreneur after the age of 40.

He likes to communicate well and solve problems. Love loyal and productive people. Try to set the best example possible.

Sicilian by origin, but born and aged in the north, between Padua and Milan, he thinks that the best of his life and career lies in the future. 

Sergio Ferrari

Commercial Director

Sergio has been selling services for most of his life. Father of 3 children and 2 dogs, passionate about literature and philosophy. 

He is an expert in telephone contacts and in the training of the personnel who deal with them.

He knows how to sell everything, but he does it in his own way. Sometimes it feels like it's wrapping up, but it always comes out a winner. True Veneto, always ready and available for everyone.

Elia Clerici

Technical Director

Elia loves making videos and photographs, but he has learned to produce all the fundamental tools and services of digital marketing.

Father of two children, Michelle and Luca; lives in Puglia, but was born in Milan.

In his life he has promoted and organized dozens of events; knows how to coordinate projects by dedicating all the necessary effort without wasting time.

Frances Ruby

Video Maker

Annarita Ricciulli

Content Creator

Nico Campanella

Web Designer


During the lockdown we understood there was a void to fill in the digital promotion of the mechanical engineering sector.

This is how this idea was born: the permanent specialized digital fair.

We are a group of young entrepreneurs involved in marketing, communication and sales.

Specialized Marketing is our new company that offers marketing and communication services only for specific sectors: the main among these is that of mechanical processing.

When you talk to us you don't have to explain to us what a lathe is, or what workshop processes are, we have a basic knowledge of the sector that makes us understand your reality.

Understanding the sector for which we create various services allows us to give a different service compared to another generic reality.

Using the same concept, 2 years ago we created a company specializing in the search and selection of personnel for the mechanical processing sector, and knowing the reality of the sector, we understood that small and medium-sized companies in the sector were not organized to promote themselves and make themselves known in an adequate way.

We hope you enjoy our work.

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You can quickly find the stands you are interested in by typing one keyword or by searching for sector of production, by services and by type of processing.